There will be a Planning Board meeting at 6:45pm and a Special Council meeting at 7pm on Tuesday March 4, 2025 at the Emyvale Rec Centre.
The agenda will include the following:
- The first reading of the new development bylaw.
- Discussion and resolution on the proposed new plan.
- Discussion on the upcoming municipal budget.
Anyone wishing to receive a digital or paper copy of the draft plan and development bylaw should contact the CAO at 902-213-9030
There will be a Regular Council meeting on Tuesday March 11, 2025 at 7pm at the Emyvale Rec Centre.
The agenda will include the following:
- The second reading of the new development bylaw.
- The first reading of the proposed Shared Services Bylaw.
- Discussion and passing of the 2025-26 Municipal Budget.
Welcome to the Rural Municipality of Kingston’s newly revamped website. We have set a goal to keep our website up to date, so please visit regularly to find new updated information related to our Municipality as it becomes available. It’s a work in progress and any feedback on how we can make the site more relevant to residents would be most helpful.
The Rural Municipality of Kingston comprises 4 Communities that came together in 1974 to become the Kingston CIC, then the Community of Kingston and now the Rural Municipality of Kingston. The goal of this site is to help keep residents informed about what is happening in the area and with the Council itself. The site is also a place where potential residents can find more information about the area and, hopefully, encouragement to become members of our community.
Council has worked hard over the past 10 plus years to help make our Municipality a better place to live. In 2012 after two years of work, our Official Plan was adopted giving us a greater say over how Development would take place within our Municipality.
We’ve also worked to support recreational opportunities by being a member of the Communities 13 group as well as helping to fund the recent improvements to the Emyvale Ball Field and Walking track.
We’ve supported our local community organizations through funding for the Emyvale Rec Centre and the Kingston 4H Club. We also established an Emergency Measure Organization (EMO) and we’ve entered lease agreements with and supplied emergency backup generators to those facilities in order to provide emergency response and warming centres should they be needed. The need for such facilities became very apparent with our recent emergency caused by Hurricane Fiona. The newly formed EMO group and the community came together to support one another which was very much the silver lining in what was a difficult time for so many of our residents.
We have also taken advantage of the opportunity to invest in our community through the Gas Tax Program. In doing so we were able to extend the Fibre Op Backbone project funded by the Province and Bell, to include a great percentage of our community. And we are continuing to work to have the remainder of our Municipality connected as soon as we can. Kingston’s Connectivity make it an attractive place to live and gives our residents opportunities that would be limited with-out this essential service.
We continue to seek new ways to improve our community and welcome ideas, input and assistance from residents who wish to contribute.
Our Official Plan was established in 2012. We are long overdue for a review of the Plan and over the next number of months we’ll be working on that review. We will be seeking resident’s input and suggestions on how they see our Municipality evolving and what goals they feel we should be striving for.
Stay tuned for notices on Public Meetings and we hope you will both attend those meetings and participate in the discussions.
Upcoming Events
- April 8, 2025, 7:00 pm: Regular Monthly Meeting
- May 13, 2025, 7:00 pm: Regular Monthly Meeting
- June 10, 2025, 7:00 pm: Regular Monthly Meeting
- July 8, 2025, 7:00 pm: Regular Monthly Meeting
- August 12, 2025, 7:00 pm: Regular Monthly Meeting