Rural Municipalities have taken on the responsibility of having a local Emergency Measures Organization Committee whose role is to coordinate a local response to various types of emergencies. Our local committee and its leadership were scheduled for their first simulated training on November 5, 2022. Fiona had other plans and the EMO Committee were tasked with a real emergency without any real formal training.
I think it is fair to say our EMO Committee got full marks in its response to Fiona. Both Warming Centres opened as soon as possible. After the first day all resources were directed at the Emyvale Rec Centre, providing a gathering place for families, connection to internet, charging stations, water, washroom and kitchen facilities. The coming together of community members to help one another was the silver lining in what was a very challenging time for so many of our residents.
The need for a community response to the Fiona Disaster highlighted the importance of having and EMO presence in Municipality. Please consider either volunteering with the committee or contacting them to offer your help and resources in the event we have a similarly serious emergency in the future.
EMO Lead
Troy Hunter 902-213-0836
Facility Leads
Emyvale Rec Centre: Mark McGillivray 902-388-5019
Kingston 4H Club: Robert Holmes 902-626-9289