Here are the minutes of the Official Plan, Zoning and Subdivision Control Bylaw Public Meeting held on Dec 8, 2012
Author Archive: sajay
Public Meeting – December 11th, 2012
Residents of the Community of Kingston
Pursuant to the Planning Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap, P-8 the Community of Kingston will be holding a public meeting to allow public input into the proposed Official Plan and Bylaws for the Community.
This meeting will be held on Saturday, December 8th, 2012 at the Emyvale Recreation Centre at 2 PM.
Immediately following this meeting there will be a Special Council meeting to review the results of the public meeting and to consider any comments or suggestions from the public and to adopt the proposed Official Plan and Bylaws as submitted, or with changes, or to defer the matter to a later date.
There will also be a Special Council meeting on
Tuesday, December 11th, 2012 at the Emyvale Recreation Center at 7 PM. The purpose of this meeting will be to consider second reading of the Bylaws.
Copies of the proposed documents are available on the Community website at or by calling the Administrator at 675-3670.
All residents are urged to attend this important meeting.
Public Meeting – December 8th, 2012
Residents of the Community of Kingston
Pursuant to the Planning Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap, P-8 the Community of Kingston will be holding a public meeting to allow public input into the proposed Official Plan and Bylaws for the Community.
This meeting will be held on Saturday, December 8th, 2012 at the Emyvale Recreation Centre at 2 PM.
Immediately following this meeting there will be a Special Council meeting to review the results of the public meeting and to consider any comments or suggestions from the public and to adopt the proposed Official Plan and Bylaws as submitted, or with changes, or to defer the matter to a later date.
There will also be a Special Council meeting on
Tuesday, December 11th, 2012 at the Emyvale Recreation Center at 7 PM. The purpose of this meeting will be to consider second reading of the Bylaws.
Copies of the proposed documents are available on the Community website at or by calling the Administrator at 675-3670.
All residents are urged to attend this important meeting.
Planning Process Overview Meeting – Sept. 25, 2012
Residents of Kingston
Notice of proposed amendments to the list of special permit uses under Community of Kingston Interim Planning Policy and Bylaws.
Pursuant to the Planning Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap, P-8 the Community of Kingston will be holding a public meeting to invite public input into proposed amendments to the list of special permit uses under Community of Kingston Interim Planning Policy and Bylaws.
The proposed amendments are as follows:
- This amendment will restrict new residential subdivisions to a maximum of 5 lots, from any “existing parcel” throughout the entire community. At present this limit only applies to the eastern portion of the Community.
- This amendment changes “duplex dwellings” from a permitted use in any zone to a more limited special permit use in any zone.
- This amendment will add “Summer Cottages” to the list of Special Permit uses in any zone. Currently “Summer Cottages” is not a permitted use.
Planning Board will also provide a brief overview of the Planning process to date for those in attendance.
This meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at the Emyvale Recreation Center at 7 PM.
Immediately following this meeting there will be a Special Council meeting to review the results of the public meeting and to consider whether to adopt the proposed amendments as submitted, or with changes, or to defer the matter to a later date.
Copies of these proposed amendments are available by contacting the Administrator at 675-3670, or on the Community website at